Casa's Evening to change a child's storyThe annual Evening to Change a Child's story is a fun and inspiring event where guests support and learn more about CASA's work. The Gala features silent and live auctions, music entertainment, fine dining, and more. Guests get to see the empowering work of CASA volunteers. The night holds more opportunities to see CASA's work behind the scenes, and there is special recognition for our top donors and sponsors. Click here for more information on how to participate.
CASA MinglesCASA holds opportunities for connection and education as often as we can. There is always complementary food and beverage to enjoy and while learning more about CASA's impact in these communities and how you can get involved. Next Mingle date will be announced on our Facebook page!
Honoring Our Volunteers
We hold events specifically for our court appointed special advocates to honor and thank their incredible work in the lives of children. They are the heart and soul of the organization, and CASA's mission could not be met without them.
Keep a lookout on our Facebook page and individual event pages for upcoming event information. We hope to see you there! |